About Us
At Rehoboth, we believe that four basic principles, Worship, Connect, Serve, and Share are invaluable in helping you experience a growing and vibrant relationship with God.


RBC is a community of believers. We welcome all people and encourage everyone to get connected by plugging into small group Bible study and discipleship classes. Here you can experience relationships with others while studying God’s Word and learning how to apply it to your life. Small group connections will help you grow and learn in your everyday walk with Christ.

Serve: We realize we were not created for ourselves. We were created to bring God glory. We strive to accomplish this by giving of our time, money, and talents to help share the love of Jesus with everyone we can.

Share: We at RBC take seriously the Great Commission of our Lord Jesus Christ to go and make disciples of all nations. We believe God has called each of us to proclaim the Good News that Jesus saves by grace alone, in faith alone, in Christ alone for God’s glory alone, standing on scripture alone.